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28/11 9-12h LOCAL:Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto (EERP-USP)

Enfermeiro e Bacharel em História. Pós-doutor pela Escola de Enfermagem da USP, Professor Associado da Escola de Enfermagem Alfredo Pinto, da UNIRIO. Líder do Laboratório de História do Cuidado e Imagem em Enfermagem – LACUIDEN – UNIRIO. Membro da comissão História da Enfermagem junto à Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

28/11 9-11 h Turma A - 14-16h Turma B LOCAL: EERP-USP

Professora Associada I do Departamento de Enfermagem Fundamental da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery/UFRJ, Coordenadora Acadêmica do Centro de Documentação; Coordenadora do Museu da EEAN; Coordenadora do Departamento Científico de História da Enfermagem da ABEn.

28/11 9-11 h Turma A – LOCAL: EERP-USP

Pedagoga, Mestre em Educação (Psicologia Educacional), Doutora em Educação (Didática). Pós-doutorado na Faculty of Nursing da University of Alberta, Canadá. Professora Associada da EERP-USP. Coordenadora do Programa de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino (PAE) da EERP/USP. Membro do Grupo de Apoio Pedagógico de Ribeirão Preto - USP (GAPRP).

Psicóloga, Mestrado em Psicologia e doutorado em Educação. Professora Associada da EERP-USP. Pós-doutorado na Faculty of Nursing da University of Alberta, Canadá. Vice-líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Saúde na Educação Básica e Abordagem Histórico-cultural (SEBAHC), CNPq. Atuou no Ministério da Educação como coordenadora nacional de programas de formação de professores em exercício.

Enfermeira, Mestre em Enfermagem. Analisou o perfil do ensino de História da Enfermagem no Estado de São Paulo em 2018.

Alfredo Pinto School aniversary - Pioneer Nursing School in Brazil celebrate 125 years
In 1890, Decree 791 of September 27, 1890 created the Professional School of Nurses. The school, currently under the name of School of Nursing Alfredo Pinto,celebrate on Sunday 125 years of existence. Check out the anniversary program:

School web site

OCTOBER 2014 LAESHE Members assume the new board of the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History (ABRADHENF) 2014-2016
On October 28, in Salvador, Bahia, during the First Symposium on the History of Nursing of the National Nursing Museum of Anna Nery and 3rd Colloquium of ABRADHENF, the leader of the Laboratory for Studies in History of Nursing (LAESHE) Prof. Dra. Luciana Barizon Lucchesi (RN, PHD), took the first vice-presidency of ABRADHENF, the presidency will be under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Fernando Rocha Porto (RN, PHD) from School of Nursing Alfredo Pinto - UNIRIO, also a member of LAESHE. The vice-leader of LAESHE Prof. Dr. Wellington Mendonca Amorim (RN, PHD), and other researchers of LAESHE Prof. Dr. Genival Fernandes de Freitas (RN, PHD), Profa. Dra. Almerinda Moreira (RN, PHD) and Prof. Dr. Osnir Claudiano da Silva Junior (RN, PHD) also integrate the new board, following a complete list of the new board of ABRADHENF:

New board of ABRADHENF

President: Prof. Dr. Fernando Rocha Porto (RN, PHD)
1st Vice President: Prof. Dra. Luciana Barizon Lucchesi (RN, PHD)
2nd Vice President: Prof. Dr. Genival Fernandes de Freitas (RN, PHD)
3rd Vice President: Prof. Dra. Hyeda Maria da Gama Rigaud (RN, PHD)
1st Secretary: Prof. Dra. Almerinda Moreira (RN, PHD)
2nd Secretary: Prof. Tiago Braga do Espírito Santo (RN, PHD)
1st Treasurer: Ms. Celia Hiromi Shiotsu (RN)
2nd Treasurer: Prof. Dra. Tania Denise Kuntze (RN, PHD)
Research Director: Prof. Dr. Wellington Mendonca Amorim (RN, PHD)
Director of Education: Prof. Dr. Osnir Claudiano da Silva Junior (RN, PHD)
Scientific Director of Cultural Affairs: Maria Julia Lemos (RN)
Director of Communication: Prof. Dr. Joel Rolim Mancia
Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr. Gilberto Tadeu Reis da Silva(RN, PHD), Professor. Ms. Margaret Mary Rocha Bernardes(RN), Profa. Dra. Luiza Dal Ben Watanabe(RN, PHD)

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3rd. Edition of Extension activities of the History of Nursing Discipline, University of São Paulo, Brazil

On May 11, 2013, students of the Undergraduate University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development participated of 3rd. Edition of Extension activities of the History of Nursing Discipline, University of São Paulo, Brazil , under the responsibility of Dr. Luciana Barizon Lucchesi (PhD) (Laeshe leader). In total, 76 undergraduate and 3 graduate students participated in the activity that consisted of Visiting the School of Nursing (EE-USP), at São Paulo city , where . Dr. Genival Fernandes de Freitas (History of Nursing researcher and PhD) gave the lecture "Memory and history of the School of Nursing, University of São Paulo: 70 years" , then a guided tour by the Cultural Centre of Ibero-American History of Nursing .
Next, the group were guided through the Faculty of Medicine Museum of USP “Dr. Carlos da Silva Lacaz” , and a visit to the Pinacoteca do São Paulo museum and Portuguese Language Museum .
The activity aims to provide an exciting and interactive view of the History of Nursing and Health, as well as contribute to the cultural background of the graduate student in Nursing.

Students visiting the EE-USP

Students visiting the Faculty of Medicine USP Museum “Dr. Carlos da Silva Lacaz”

Students visiting the Pinacoteca of São Paulo state Museum