:: Research lines ::
Informatics in nursing management, nursing care and teaching: innovation and professional impact |
Informatics in nursing management, nursing care and teaching: innovation and professional impact
fase 3 ( CNPq 2010- 2014)
Description: This is an integrated research project (CNPq - Process no. 306916 / 2009-6) with the general objective of providing the use of information and computational technologies in nursing through a critical analysis of work processes, as well as the development and evaluation of software and computerized systems that generate impacts and changes in nurses' professional practice and in the teaching-learning process.
Students involved: Master's degree ( 4) / Doctorate( 5)
Members: Alexandre Leite Rangel - Maria Cláudia Parro - Rosicler Xelegati - Luciana Emi Kakushi - Fabiana Rangel Marques Lulio - Sabine Jenal - Lucimara Duarte Chaves – Kenya de Lima Silva - Bruna Luiza de Mello.
Coordinator: Yolanda Dora Martinez Évora -
Development and evaluation of digital learning environments in the management of adverse events in nursing and emergency care
(FAPESP – 2010 -2012)
Description: The objectives of this project are: a) To develop educational software on the management of adverse events in nursing; B) To develop a digital learning environment for the teaching of emergency and emergency care; C) Evaluate the functional performance and the quality of products with specialists in the subject matter. The methodology to be used is based on the three-stage Model for the development of CAI programs proposed by Price (1991). The pedagogical framework will be based on studies by Gagné (1980) and Loyolla and Prates (2004) and the target population will be nurses. The software quality assessment process will follow ISO / IEC 9126. As a result, we intend to produce interactive multimedia with simulations, videos, photos and animations that facilitate the permanent education of nurses on the management of adverse events in nursing and the attendance of emergencies and emergencies. It is hoped that the products generate impacts and changes in the teaching-learning process and that contribute to the digital inclusion of teachers lacking technological resources focused on Nursing Education.
Students involved: Graduation (1) / Master's degree (1) . Members: Andrea Bernardes; Rosicler Xelegati; - Maria Célia Dalri
Coordinator: Yolanda Dora Martinez Évora.
Financier: Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo - Financial aid.